
Saturday, March 12, 2011

33 reasons to attend a conference on reporting

The  main reason I attend conferences is to keep up to date, learn new stuff and gain new insights from inspiring people doing inspiring things. Of course, networking is a big bonus, and more and more these days it's about meeting people face-to-face after months or years of positive interaction on social media, as well as catching up with those you have not seen in a ling while. As plan my trip to the UK later this month, I thought I would share my 33 reasons for attending the Justmeans Redefining Value: Integrated Reporting and Measuring Sustainability Conference in London on 25th March 2011.

33. The Agenda looks great
32. It's about sustainability reporting.. my favorite subject in the whole wide world (sorry Chunky Monkey)
31. I haven't been to a Justmeans conference before, and it's about time I checked them out
30. Some of the great thought leaders in sustainability and reporting, and sustainability reporting will be on stage - Wim Bartels, Thomas Conde, Toby Heaps, Judy Kuszewski and more
29. I am interested to hear what Niels Christiansen, Vice President of Public Affairs, Nestle S.A, has to say, given Nestle's sometimes not so comfortable positioning in the media.
28: It's in London, a very convenient location and the home of fish and chips.
27. There are plenty of breaks to download emails whilst networking.
26. The winners of the Social Innovation Awards will be announced. I always like a scoop!
25. I will be interested to hear Carsten Ingerslev, Director, Danish Government Centre for CSR, given Denmark's prowess in so many areas of sustainability including mandatory ESG reporting.
24.Maybe they will serve ice cream in the breaks.
23. The venue is close to Oxford Street. Yeah! Shopping.
22. The GRI, CDP and A4S will be updating us on the State of Reporting. Three leading lights.
21. I won't have to make dinner for the kids.
20. I won't have to make dinner period.
19. The attendance list reads like the top 100 corporate citizens list.
18. The venue is corporately responsible
17. This line is intentionally left blank.
16. The Social Innovation Awards shortlist is intriguing.
15. I happened to have March 25th free.
14. Integrated reporting is a complex topic and thinking is evolving. It's important to be where integrated reporting is being discussed. Every voice counts.
13. I can't attend the pre-conference workshop so the conference will be my compensation.
12.I am looking forward to watching everyone tweeting from the conference (what was that hashtag again?)
11.The conference promises to showcase best practices from companies at the forefront of reporting. Who would want to miss that ?
10. You never know, there just might be someone attending who is looking for a great Sustainability Reporter to help them write their next Sustainability Report. (Darn! I told myself I wasn't going to plug the services of my company, Beyond Business, in this post. I always had a problem with self-discipline.)

Keep going. Only 9 more to go. I saved the best till the last.

9. I get to meet up again with Martin Smith, the Justmeans mastermind.
8. It's something to do before my flight back home.
7. I am hoping to meet many co-#CSR-tweeps. #CSR tweeps are fabulous.
6. The conference is on a Friday. That means we can #FollowFriday it.
5. It's something to tell the folks back home about.
4. Do you really think they will serve ice cream in the breaks?
3. I will have lots of material to blog about.
2. It sounds like fun.
1. It's gonna be a blast.
0. I have the opportunity to be really generous and pass on a substantial discount to just a few people who register quoting a secret code that I am able to reveal to a few lucky friends. (If you also have 33 reasons to attend this exciting conference, just drop me a line and I will see what I can do.There are just a few places still open).

If you are at the conference, please come and say : Hi Elaine, how about ice cream?

elaine cohen, CSR consultant, Sustainabilty Reporter, HR Professional, Ice Cream Addict. Author of CSR for HR: A necessary partnership for advancing responsible business practices  Contact me via  on Twitter or via my business website  (BeyondBusiness, an inspired CSR consulting and Sustainability Reporting firm)

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