
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

31 Tips for writing a G4 Report

Those of you who have been following my Twitter account may have noticed my G4 Tip of the Day - all using the Twitter hashtag: #UG4 - published over the last month or so. Here, in a convenient, one post format, is a recap of all the 31 tips in this "G4 on Twitter" month. (I had to shorten a few to get them tweetable, below are the full versions). But, before you go to the tips, here's something else I wanted to mention:

Understanding G4 can help you navigate G4 with relative ease. I'd be happy to spend a day with you talking about it and sharing my insights, working approaches and recommendations. In fact, that day is October 22, in London, when I will be conducting the first Understanding G4 Master Class, an intensive G4 day, in which I walk a small group through the paces of G4. If you can make it, please register soon as numbers are limited to 25 to enable enough time for good discussion and learning, with current examples of reporting practice. If you would like to join me and other potential G4 fans, please register here (Send me an email or DM me on Twitter for a discount code). And yes, ice cream is on the menu.
Now, here's a recap of this month's G4 tips.  

G4 Tip 1: You can't write a G4 report with a G3 mindset. Make the shift to G4. It's a different paradigm.

G4 Tip 2: G4 recommends including at least 3 years of data when responding to indicators (Implementation Manual, page 71).

G4 Tip 3: "Accountability strengthens trust between the organization and its stakeholders. Trust, in turn, fortifies report credibility."  (Implementation Manual, page 10)

G4 Tip 4: Specific Standard Disclosure G4-EN2 includes a methodology to calculate the percentage of recycled input materials.

G4 Tip 5: Total energy consumption in G4 should be reported in joules or multiples.

G4 Tip 6: G4-33 requires reporting of whether senior executives are involved in seeking assurance for the organization’s sustainability report.

G4 Tip 7: G4-52 is a new disclosure required at "In Accordance" Comprehensive Level and requires a description of the process for determining remuneration.

G4 Tip 8: Remember that each word is important in a G4 Sustainability Report. Somewhere, there is a stakeholder who might read it.

G4 Tip 9: G4 reports may be shorter than G3 reports. Or longer. Or the same length. Your materiality process will decide.

G4 Tip 10: Did your Board read your Sustainability Report? Ever?  G4-48 asks you to spill the beans (In Accordance, Comprehensive Level).

G4 Tip 11: Only go for In Accordance G4 Reporting at Comprehensive Level if you have very robust governance disclosures.

G4 Tip 12: G4 reporting is not a race and not a competition. Going slow, and doing it with integrity, is more important.

G4 Tip 13: Sustainability reports published after 31 December 2015 should be prepared in accordance with the G4 Guidelines.

G4 Tip 14: G4-1 disclosure - CEO statement - includes reference to "key events, achievements, and failures during the reporting period".

G4 Tip 15: It is possible, but not recommended, to produce a G4 Sustainability Report with one material issue.

G4 Tip 16: Readers of G4 Sustainability Reports must know what to expect. More forest. Less trees.

G4 Tip 17: In a G4 Sustainability Report, material issues should smack you in the face. If they don't, it's not G4.

G4 Tip 18: G4 does not require companies to list the awards they have received. But, go for it anyway.

G4 Tip 19: G4-12 is a simple disclosure: Describe the organization's supply chain. Piece of cake? Maybe not.

G4 Tip 20: G4-EN18 requires GHG emissions intensity ratio. Pick your normalization factor carefully and be consistent.

G4 Tip 21: Read my book, Understanding G4, before you even start thinking about writing a G4 Sustainability Report.

G4 Tip 22: Engage your Top Team in the selection of material issues for your G4 Report. The CEO must sign off.

G4 Tip 23: G4 Reporting is about ownership and accountability, not about how many boxes you can tick.

G4 Tip 24: Probably best not to select more than 200 Material Aspects for your G4 report. Otherwise it will take you more than a year to write it. Less is more.

G4 Tip 25: Transition from G3 to G4 with consistency. But remember the objective is G4, not G3 plus new bits.

G4 Tip 26: Go for CORE unless you have a really good reason to go COMPREHENSIVE with your first G4 Sustainability Report.

G4 Tip 27: Embedding good reporting process is the key to G4. Bluffing doesn't work all that well.

G4 Tip 28: Don't try to be In Accordance with G4 if you can't be. Better to "refer" to G4 and transition when the time is right.

G4 Tip 29: Don't expect your stakeholders to praise you for your G4 report. Acknowledgement is also good. 

G4 Tip 30: A G4 report is hard work. Don't be deceived by it's slick looks. You have to invest.

G4 Tip 31: This is the last G4 Tip for this month. It's a short tip. Read all the G4 Tips again and then, just do it!

Good luck with your G4 Reporting. With so many useful free tips, you have absolutely nothing to fear :-)

See you in London in October?

elaine cohen, CSR consultant, winning (CRRA'12) Sustainability Reporter, HR Professional, Ice Cream Addict. Author of Understanding G4: the Concise guide to Next Generation Sustainability Reporting  AND  Sustainability Reporting for SMEs: Competitive Advantage Through Transparency AND CSR for HR: A necessary partnership for advancing responsible business practices Contact me via   or via my business website   (Beyond Business Ltd, an inspired CSR consulting and Sustainability Reporting firm)


  1. Is it possible to do a GRI G4 training without undergoing the G3 training?

  2. HI, I am not familiar with the formal GRI training programs. As far as I know a "bridging module" has been added which covers the new material in G4.... but I am not sure to what degree this is standalone. For this information, you would need to ask the GRI.In principle, however, it certainly is ok to do G4 training without prior knowledge of G3, and in probably, it is even preferable! Best, elaine
